Artist Lynne Patrick will be showing at the Ladysmith Gallery from February 23 - March 3, 2024 with a collection of large scale paint and collage artwork. Inspired by the memories of elementary school charts and exploring development and evolution, Lynne reflects upon the relationship in time and space between the earth and the moon. Here is her journey.
The genesis of this show began in July, 2023 with a decision to build a painting using a design from a much older sketch. I had been drifting around in my old sketch books book-marking small abstract images that seemed to show potential to be larger paintings.
On July 17, 2023, I arbitrarily chose one of those small sketches and began painting on a 30 x 30 inch wooden panel. I had several goals. One, I wanted to see how the original design would hold up in larger format. Two, I wanted to practice adding more layers of paint than I typically did, expecting to create interesting textures beyond the usual. This painting was a total experiment with no particular end result in mind.
The small sketched image easily brought to mind memories of basic, elementary school charts. I began to play with the larger painting seeing it as a rough chart illustrating some kind of development, evolution, change; perhaps phases of the moon.
Many layers of paint and collage were applied and some slight changes to the composition were necessary. There are eight small circles with differing areas revealed and hidden on the right side of the painting. The small circles are intentionally positioned, not random and they are distant in relation to the large circle which appears much closer. There is a slightly disorienting feeling of movement in space towards the viewer. All the circles are collaged with similar materials although the larger circle has areas suggestive of land masses and water because the map used for collage material is easily recognizable. Because I prefer abstraction to literal meaning there is lots of room for playful exploration of idea and interpretation. Is the larger circle a moon close up or the earth? The chart-like aspect of this painting may be illustrating the changing phases of the moon in relation to the earth. To me the painting suggests predictable change by a powerful and mystical influence both known and unknown. To my delight, July 17th, was the literal occurrence of the new moon happening simultaneously, almost to the hour, when I commenced this painting. That day in July a theme emerged which spawned more than a dozen paintings featuring one or more moons all of which are present in the show at the Ladysmith Gallery.
The collaged materials used in all my paintings are salvaged from old marine maps, old sewing patterns, old National Geographic magazines and page-fragments from my father’s King James Bible. These sources have personal meaning for me representing deep, barely conscious influences shaping my childhood. Themes in my work often explore relationship and influencing forces: internal/external, conscious/unconscious, personal/universal, benevolent/dangerous, within vs out of one’s control.
The moon theme as a whole points to a relationship in time and space between the earth and the moon. The relationship is dynamic yet somewhat predictable. Different aspects emerge depending on conditions as well as perspective. There is some potential for danger and unpredictability. There is some silent, magnetic power at play. There is mystery. People, over eons, have invested ancient meanings in the moon that may still be unconsciously embedded in current beliefs. Or, may still be influencing current actions. People know the influence of the moon on tides and have used the moon as an indicator for planting and other human activities.
The moon has appeared in earlier work of mine as well. In 1991, I was one of three artists in a show at a gallery in Regina, Saskatchewan. The seven abstract paintings displayed in that show, were a series of instructions playfully illustrating directions for catching the moon. Four or five of those paintings are still hanging in an office in Regina as I understand. Several from that older series are present in the current show just for the fun of it. Included in The Winter Moon show at the Ladysmith Gallery are paintings done in the Covid years prior to the moon themed paintings. Although representing a different theme, all are abstract collage and similar in pointing to large impersonal forces impacting small living beings.
Finally, a small note of interest. According to my moon app, the Winter Moon show
commences with a 99.5% full moon in our sky over Ladysmith on the 23rd of February, 2024. Perhaps a meaningless serendipity, yet amazing.
Winter Moon by Lynne Patrick, February 23 - March 3, 2024 opens at the Ladysmith Gallery, 32 High St. Open daily, 10 AM - 5 PM. Free admission.