Ladysmith Gallery
32 High Street, Ladysmith

A unique rental opportunity for exhibitions.
The Arts Council of Ladysmith and District invite all interested parties looking for a rental space for art exhibitions to consider the Ladysmith Gallery in downtown Ladysmith. Monthly exhibition opportunities are open for booking by visual artists for ten-day periods at the end of each month. We have limited openings available. All participating artists must be active members of Ladysmith Arts or members of an organization that has an Associate Membership.
If you are interested in renting the gallery please see a sample of our rental agreement and fill out our application form below. For any questions please email
Our Gallery coordinator will contact applicants and approved applicants will received a completed rental agreement for their specific rental terms as were discussed between themselves and our gallery coordinator. Rentals are not finalized and confirmed until an agreement has been signed by both parties and a deposit has been paid.