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Artist Spotlight: Penny Torres

Our current online exhibition Monoprints is showing and we are excited with the great turnout of artwork from our artists.

One particular artist used a form of printmaking called gelli plate printing to assist with creating her work. For those who are unfamiliar with gelli plate printing, they are plates made from gelatin that you can make at home or buy from local art stores (Iron Oxide in Nanaimo or Opus Art Supplies in Victoria) and allow you to produce prints using stencils and stamps onto paper or fabric. Gelli plate printing is becoming very popular with printmakers of all skill levels. If bought, the plates can last for quite a long time and they are great if you don't have the finances or access to a press. We highly recommend you take a look at YouTube for videos on this form of printmaking if your interested.

Our artist spotlight for this exhibition is Penny Torres.

Penny Torres is an Alberta born artist who studied fine art at Grant MacEwan University. She has an interest in using psychology, colour, and texture to create a message in her work. Her themes include, people, animals and abstraction. A portion of her work is mixed media, including gelli printing, in which she uses a gelli plate and hand-cut stencils to print on recycled road and area maps.

The Lady of the Lake, is part of her, "Creatures of Mapp" series, 2020 edition. Penny uses the lines on maps to make creatures and people, in The Creatures of Mapp series. She then makes paper stencils and uses a gelli plate to print them and finishes them with ink and other mediums. Each drawing includes a text caption for the image.

Regarding gelli printing, Penny says "gelli printing is a fairly new medium for me and I've only been working with it within the last year. My friend Aleta Crawford introduced me to it and I felt it would be a good addition to my mixed media pieces. The process is fascinating and has the ability to be as simple or complex as you wish to make it."

Check out Penny's monoprints currently showing in our online gallery:

Follow Penny on Facebook at: Penny Heath Torres Art

Pictured: The lady of the lake was both fiercely proud and excruciatingly frustrated with her magnificent mountain of hair."

Penny Torres

Gelli print on map

8" x 10"


To purchase please contact us at


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