Mar 21World Poetry Day 2024Celebrating World Poetry Day 2024. Enjoy local poetry from Vancouver Island artists.
Jun 6, 2023Call For Poetry: TransformationCall for poetry on the theme transformation for upcoming fall art magazine.
May 1, 2020Sonnet 925 by John Edwards Sonnet 925 “Spring Rain” Spring rain comes throughout the night On silent feet to shower the land A welcome gift for all who thirst Like...
May 1, 2020Sonnet 924 by John EdwardsSonnet 924 “A Walk In April Woods” Its a year since Lucy walked this trail with me And a lot can happen and she sees it too Close up on...
May 1, 2020Sonnet 922 By John EdwardsSonnet 922 “First Light” Soft as a kiss from space First Light upon a cedar falls As thrush and hawk, swallow and eagle wake Then...
May 1, 2020Sonnet 918 By John EdwardsSonnet 918 “Song” Run and catch a falling star Mine the gold beneath a rainbow's end Tell the markets before each rise and fall Then from...
May 1, 2020Sonnet 912 by John EdwardsSonnet 912 “Lean Clouds” Lean clouds stream in slow waves from the West They've brushed Mt. Brenton and Mt. Hall with April snow Now upon...
May 1, 2020Sonnet 908 by John EdwardsSonnet 908 “Love And Need” The difference between love and need Is a theorem Pythagoras couldn't solve One indefinable the other too...
May 1, 2020Sonnet 904 by John EdwardsSonnet 904 “I Can Hear Centuries” I can hear centuries in my stove As the bark and sweet crack of kindling Release times past held deep...
May 1, 2020Sonnet 881 By John EdwardsSonnet 881 “Snowy Day” White hats on every fencepost row Cedar branches clothed in winter lace Silence opaque upon the lake Blackcaps...
May 1, 2020Sonnet 877 by John EdwardsSonnet 877 “A Hint Of Disorder” No matter the practised cunning her outfit she selects Tall lace-up boots and a Yoko Ono skirt Her body...
May 1, 2020Sonnet 914 by John EdwardsSonnet 914 “Frost” Now herons and geese upon the field alight Blackcaps and blue jays begin the morning feed And I through the windows...
May 1, 2020Sonnet 869 by John EdwardsSonnet 869 “Frost At Dawn” Frost at dawn grows to sight In crawl of slow December light Grey then silver against the dark Of cedars still...
Apr 28, 2020Summer Storm by Delie LawleySummer Storm Thunder and lightning tremble and sound Rain pours down and soaks the ground It suddenly starts and quietly finishes Leaving...
Apr 28, 2020Sonnet 915 by John EdwardsSonnet 915 by John Edwards "After John Donne's 'The Good-Morrow'"